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choose. get in. prepare.
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Go from considered to admitted.

Available for 60+ colleges and universities.

An add-on to counselors, partnering with the best ones.

certitude. is the first edtech startup connecting you to experts helping you only for the school they currently attend.

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speaking from experience, trained to expertise.

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Princeton University

From London, UK

Studying Economics

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Harvard University

From Coral Gables, FL

Studying Economics and Computer Science

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Wharton School

University of Pennsylvania

From Miami, FL

Studying Finance

how does it work? why does it work?

For each college an applicant targets, they go through


types of meetings:

Should I apply?

Boost my chances.

Ace move-in and freshman year.


Junior year



Junior year


Meeting round #1

~ 12 meetings for 12 schools

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Go for virtual or in-person campus tours, 1-on-1 with one of our experts.

Figure out exactly what you love (or hate) about each school. 

See beyond colleges' glittering marketing and determine which schools will truly fit you. When your future is at stake, hearing from those who already live it ​is not optional. It's necessary.

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Our experts will ask you questions to determine how much you'll like their school.

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Directly ask any question you have, hear from those who speak from experience.


Senior year



Senior year

get in.

Meeting round #2

~ 13 meetings for 7 schools.

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Go through each expert's entire application. Analyse it with them, and see how they got in.

Don't be an LMOs. 

LMOs ("Like Many Others") are applicants that are both fantastic and very similar to thousands of others (read this US News article for more). Not being an LMO starts with demonstrating a flawless match.

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Find the little secrets no one else knows: show the school you care more than anyone else.

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Find the details that make this college a perfect fit: a crucial advantage for supplemental essays.


Senior year



Senior year


Meeting round #3

~ 3 meetings for 1-2 schools

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Figure out the logistics of moving in: dorm, roommate, classes, meal plan, visas... 

Get help for a tough decision, get help planning your new life!

Congratulations! Now that you're in, you might be facing a tough choice, between multiple great schools. Speak to a student from each of them to pick properly, and then prepare for what comes next.

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Start building a network on campus, with people to meet once you'll get there.

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Learn the dos and don'ts of move-in, freshman year, rush, classes, traditions, and more.


before College

get in.

teamwork makes your dream work.

certitude. is designed as a complement to high school or private admission counselors - and directly partners with the best ones.

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When 70,000 try, the successful 2,000 have more than just good grades.

In fact, perfect grades and excellent activities are simply not enough anymore.

Applications at elite colleges

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It's on you, your high school, and your counselor to get you from "applying" to "qualified"

It's on certitude. to get you from "qualified" to "admitted".

best-sellers, best results.

“ certitude. is a relatively new player in the field of admissions. Its insane growth speaks to how crucial it is. 

Louis, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

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